Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It has been two years since I last blogged, and I have definitely missed it. My life is very different than it was in 2011, so starting a new blog over from scratch feels appropriate. Back then I would have been scared to share this, something personal, with most friends and family. In fact, most things scared me. I suppose that is part of the beauty in hardship. We can walk through excruciating periods of life, brought lower than we ever imagined, then slowly, begin to rise up, picking our broken bodies up off the floor. Shaking, unsteady on our feet as we stand, learning to walk all over again. One step at a time, God shows off His glory by taking our hands, allowing us to not simply survive, but to thrive. Not in spite of it, because of it. He brings us out of the darkness with not just enough, but with an abundance. 

I would be lying if I said it's not at least daunting to share this. I am learning to put my true self out there, to be genuine. Attempting to be bold amidst my scattered thoughts and poor writing skills. 

A wise friend told me that there is no limb I can go out on where I won't be safe. No limb where Christ's love is not under it to catch me. His love a safety net that has taken away so much fear, and allowed me to break free from the bondage of timidity. 

For the first time in my life I am going out on a limb confidently, boldly, and reaching for what looked unattainable from the ground. 


  1. Looking forward to see what evolves from this blog, I enjoyed and miss the last one

  2. Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my blog - and congratulations on your new blog! Best wishes to you as you step out on a limb...love the name you picked. :)

  3. honey, i see no hint of poor writing skills here! these words are honest and beautiful. can't wait to read more from you!

    ps: thank you for stopping by my blog!

  4. What an amazing way to start off a new blog! I love that you're so dependant on the Lord and in His truth. I pray the Lord will continue to be your comfort and hope, always. :)

  5. I look forward to reading! :)

  6. That is a wise friend. "Let go and let God" has been my go to in hard times.

  7. Kristen, thank you for stopping by! I'd love to follow you on your journey and believe with you, that the Lord has GREAT things for you both. The unknown is daunting, but trusting in the Lord guides us through each step. I can't wait to see where he leads you!
